#244: Cantoring Considerations for Large Masses (with Dr. Dan Girardot)

Do you need help carrying out your role as a pastoral minister? LTP, in partnership with NPM, is offering The Basics of Liturgy, a six-week virtual course starting September 23. This course is designed for those new to Roman Catholic liturgy and ideal for parish professionals, such as music directors, musicians, cantors, and ministry coordinators, who have never formally studied the liturgy. Learn more and register today at teocl.org.

We’re back! Ministry Monday returns after a summer haitus with new episodes! We’ve prepared a fall season of great episodes with topics on, of course, music, ministry, and liturgy. This week Dr. Dan Girardot (Associate Director of the Office of Worship of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston) discusses the practical, prayerful, and other musical considerations for cantors ministering in larger-than-normal Masses. Whether it's Christmas Eve, a large funeral or wedding, or a Confirmation Mass, Dan reflects on the changes cantors can anticipate and best serve the liturgy (and its faithful) at hand.

#243: Desiderio Desideravi: What Does it Mean? (REPLAY)

This past week we celebrated the 2-year anniversary of Pope Francis's Apostolic Letter on the Liturgy, Desiderio Desideravi. This document is still a guiding force in our Church today; for this reason, we offer 2021 Jubilate Deo award winner Fr. John Baldovin's reflections as a wonderful foundation of learning. We also encourage you to attend the Breakout session, "Desiderio Desideravi and Discernment: Revealing Pope Francis’s Liturgical Insights," at the 2024 Convention this summer.

#242: A Conversation with Kathleen Pluth

Today we have the pleasure of speaking to Kathleen Pluth, whose hymn text, "Let the Earth Acclaim Christ Jesus," was chosen as the official hymn for the 2024 National Eucharistic Congress, taking place in just a few weeks in Indianapolis, Indiana. Today we speak of the inspiration Kathleen has found to author hymn texts, and how she was inspired to write the award-winning text.